Mplus VERSION 8.6
07/20/2021 6:39 PM
INPUT INSTRUCTIONS DATA: FILE IS DEMOMLMEFA_CFA.txt; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE cntry gndr agea ipcrtiv imprich ipeqopt ipshabt impsafe impdiff ipfrule ipudrst ipmodst ipgdtim impfree iphlppl ipsuces ipstrgv ipadvnt ipbhprp iprspot iplylfr impenv imptrad impfun region ID; IDVARIABLE IS ID; MISSING ARE ALL (7-9); USEVARIABLES ARE ipshabt ! Habiletés ipsuces ! Succès ipfrule ! Règles ipstrgv ! Gouvernement imprich ! Richesse imptrad;! Traditions CLUSTER = region; DEFINE: CENTER ipshabt-imptrad(GRANDMEAN); ANALYSIS: TYPE = TWOLEVEL; MODEL: %WITHIN% Societe BY ipstrgv ipfrule imptrad; Individu BY ipsuces ipshabt imprich; %BETWEEN% Valeurs BY ipshabt-imptrad; OUTPUT: STDYX modindices sampstat; PLOT: type is PLOT1 PLOT2; !SAVEDATA: !Nous pouvons sauvegarder les scores des facteurs en utilisant la commande SAVE !SAVE is fscores; !Nous sauvegardons les scores des facteurs !FILE is CFA_MLM.txt;! Dans ce fichier *** WARNING Input line exceeded 90 characters. Some input may be truncated. !SAVEDATA: !Nous pouvons sauvegarder les scores des facteurs en utilisant la commande SAVED *** WARNING Data set contains unknown or missing values for GROUPING, PATTERN, COHORT, CLUSTER and/or STRATIFICATION variables. Number of cases with unknown or missing values: 473 *** WARNING Data set contains cases with missing on all variables. These cases were not included in the analysis. Number of cases with missing on all variables: 129 3 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups 1 Number of observations 19978 Number of dependent variables 6 Number of independent variables 0 Number of continuous latent variables 3 Observed dependent variables Continuous IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH IMPTRAD Continuous latent variables SOCIETE INDIVIDU VALEURS Variables with special functions Cluster variable REGION ID variable ID Centering (GRANDMEAN) IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH IMPTRAD Estimator MLR Information matrix OBSERVED Maximum number of iterations 100 Convergence criterion 0.100D-05 Maximum number of EM iterations 500 Convergence criteria for the EM algorithm Loglikelihood change 0.100D-02 Relative loglikelihood change 0.100D-05 Derivative 0.100D-03 Minimum variance 0.100D-03 Maximum number of steepest descent iterations 20 Maximum number of iterations for H1 2000 Convergence criterion for H1 0.100D-03 Optimization algorithm EMA Input data file(s) DEMOMLMEFA_CFA.txt Input data format FREE SUMMARY OF DATA Number of missing data patterns 50 Number of clusters 148 Average cluster size 134.986 Estimated Intraclass Correlations for the Y Variables Intraclass Intraclass Intraclass Variable Correlation Variable Correlation Variable Correlation IPSHABT 0.176 IPSUCES 0.188 IPFRULE 0.136 IPSTRGV 0.117 IMPRICH 0.205 IMPTRAD 0.126 COVARIANCE COVERAGE OF DATA Minimum covariance coverage value 0.100 PROPORTION OF DATA PRESENT Covariance Coverage IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ IPSHABT 0.993 IPSUCES 0.987 0.992 IPFRULE 0.986 0.985 0.991 IPSTRGV 0.984 0.984 0.983 0.989 IMPRICH 0.991 0.990 0.988 0.987 0.996 IMPTRAD 0.989 0.989 0.987 0.987 0.992 Covariance Coverage IMPTRAD ________ IMPTRAD 0.995 SAMPLE STATISTICS NOTE: The sample statistics for within and between refer to the maximum-likelihood estimated within and between covariance matrices, respectively. ESTIMATED SAMPLE STATISTICS FOR WITHIN Means IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Means IMPTRAD ________ 0.000 Covariances IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ IPSHABT 1.643 IPSUCES 0.859 1.514 IPFRULE 0.203 0.243 1.780 IPSTRGV 0.214 0.298 0.323 1.129 IMPRICH 0.583 0.582 0.112 0.107 1.584 IMPTRAD 0.117 0.147 0.425 0.356 -0.030 Covariances IMPTRAD ________ IMPTRAD 1.649 Correlations IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ IPSHABT 1.000 IPSUCES 0.545 1.000 IPFRULE 0.119 0.148 1.000 IPSTRGV 0.157 0.228 0.228 1.000 IMPRICH 0.361 0.375 0.067 0.080 1.000 IMPTRAD 0.071 0.093 0.248 0.261 -0.018 Correlations IMPTRAD ________ IMPTRAD 1.000 ESTIMATED SAMPLE STATISTICS FOR BETWEEN Means IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ -0.034 0.036 -0.025 -0.036 0.029 Means IMPTRAD ________ -0.030 Covariances IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ IPSHABT 0.350 IPSUCES 0.285 0.351 IPFRULE 0.173 0.215 0.280 IPSTRGV 0.188 0.160 0.116 0.149 IMPRICH 0.273 0.291 0.144 0.129 0.408 IMPTRAD 0.246 0.256 0.201 0.155 0.221 Covariances IMPTRAD ________ IMPTRAD 0.237 Correlations IPSHABT IPSUCES IPFRULE IPSTRGV IMPRICH ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ IPSHABT 1.000 IPSUCES 0.811 1.000 IPFRULE 0.553 0.685 1.000 IPSTRGV 0.824 0.699 0.569 1.000 IMPRICH 0.721 0.770 0.426 0.522 1.000 IMPTRAD 0.854 0.886 0.779 0.825 0.710 Correlations IMPTRAD ________ IMPTRAD 1.000 MAXIMUM LOG-LIKELIHOOD VALUE FOR THE UNRESTRICTED (H1) MODEL IS -187614.857 UNIVARIATE SAMPLE STATISTICS UNIVARIATE HIGHER-ORDER MOMENT DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Variable/ Mean/ Skewness/ Minimum/ % with Percentiles Sample Size Variance Kurtosis Maximum Min/Max 20%/60% 40%/80% Median IPSHABT 0.000 0.297 -2.040 13.94% -1.040 -1.040 -0.040 19837.000 1.940 -0.860 2.960 3.85% -0.040 0.960 IPSUCES 0.000 0.312 -2.005 13.22% -1.005 -1.005 -0.005 19813.000 1.807 -0.767 2.995 3.21% -0.005 0.995 IPFRULE 0.000 0.232 -2.171 11.75% -1.171 -0.171 -0.171 19794.000 2.013 -0.949 2.829 5.00% -0.171 1.829 IPSTRGV 0.000 0.915 -1.202 30.56% -1.202 -0.202 -0.202 19765.000 1.265 0.409 3.798 0.71% -0.202 0.798 IMPRICH 0.000 -0.463 -3.027 5.37% -1.027 -0.027 -0.027 19908.000 1.970 -0.693 1.973 13.62% 0.973 0.973 IMPTRAD 0.000 0.640 -1.667 21.23% -1.667 -0.667 -0.667 19884.000 1.846 -0.405 3.333 3.25% 0.333 1.333 THE MODEL ESTIMATION TERMINATED NORMALLY MODEL FIT INFORMATION Number of Free Parameters 31 Loglikelihood H0 Value -187891.325 H0 Scaling Correction Factor 2.2606 for MLR H1 Value -187614.857 H1 Scaling Correction Factor 2.0393 for MLR Information Criteria Akaike (AIC) 375844.650 Bayesian (BIC) 376089.624 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 375991.108 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) Chi-Square Test of Model Fit Value 338.056* Degrees of Freedom 17 P-Value 0.0000 Scaling Correction Factor 1.6356 for MLR * The chi-square value for MLM, MLMV, MLR, ULSMV, WLSM and WLSMV cannot be used for chi-square difference testing in the regular way. MLM, MLR and WLSM chi-square difference testing is described on the Mplus website. MLMV, WLSMV, and ULSMV difference testing is done using the DIFFTEST option. RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 0.031 CFI/TLI CFI 0.962 TLI 0.932 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value 8369.226 Degrees of Freedom 30 P-Value 0.0000 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Value for Within 0.033 Value for Between 0.049 MODEL RESULTS Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value Within Level SOCIETE BY IPSTRGV 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 IPFRULE 1.039 0.058 17.953 0.000 IMPTRAD 1.008 0.049 20.683 0.000 INDIVIDU BY IPSUCES 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 IPSHABT 0.942 0.028 33.484 0.000 IMPRICH 0.640 0.023 27.595 0.000 INDIVIDU WITH SOCIETE 0.208 0.014 15.009 0.000 Variances SOCIETE 0.349 0.022 16.234 0.000 INDIVIDU 0.919 0.034 26.692 0.000 Residual Variances IPSHABT 0.827 0.034 24.679 0.000 IPSUCES 0.596 0.024 24.886 0.000 IPFRULE 1.402 0.036 38.922 0.000 IPSTRGV 0.780 0.030 25.780 0.000 IMPRICH 1.208 0.028 43.193 0.000 IMPTRAD 1.294 0.044 29.742 0.000 Between Level VALEURS BY IPSHABT 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 IPSUCES 1.027 0.061 16.741 0.000 IPFRULE 0.743 0.093 7.957 0.000 IPSTRGV 0.608 0.040 15.224 0.000 IMPRICH 0.903 0.080 11.247 0.000 IMPTRAD 0.907 0.057 16.031 0.000 Intercepts IPSHABT -0.034 0.050 -0.684 0.494 IPSUCES 0.035 0.050 0.694 0.488 IPFRULE -0.024 0.045 -0.532 0.595 IPSTRGV -0.033 0.033 -1.003 0.316 IMPRICH 0.029 0.054 0.535 0.592 IMPTRAD -0.029 0.042 -0.694 0.488 Variances VALEURS 0.277 0.034 8.215 0.000 Residual Variances IPSHABT 0.073 0.011 6.816 0.000 IPSUCES 0.060 0.010 5.785 0.000 IPFRULE 0.125 0.016 7.879 0.000 IPSTRGV 0.046 0.007 6.429 0.000 IMPRICH 0.177 0.033 5.424 0.000 IMPTRAD 0.009 0.008 1.158 0.247 QUALITY OF NUMERICAL RESULTS Condition Number for the Information Matrix 0.681E-04 (ratio of smallest to largest eigenvalue) STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS STDYX Standardization Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value Within Level SOCIETE BY IPSTRGV 0.556 0.016 33.937 0.000 IPFRULE 0.460 0.016 28.667 0.000 IMPTRAD 0.464 0.016 28.454 0.000 INDIVIDU BY IPSUCES 0.779 0.010 74.850 0.000 IPSHABT 0.705 0.013 54.242 0.000 IMPRICH 0.488 0.012 41.145 0.000 INDIVIDU WITH SOCIETE 0.367 0.018 20.118 0.000 Variances SOCIETE 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 INDIVIDU 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 Residual Variances IPSHABT 0.504 0.018 27.505 0.000 IPSUCES 0.393 0.016 24.265 0.000 IPFRULE 0.788 0.015 53.258 0.000 IPSTRGV 0.691 0.018 37.868 0.000 IMPRICH 0.762 0.012 65.932 0.000 IMPTRAD 0.785 0.015 51.807 0.000 Between Level VALEURS BY IPSHABT 0.889 0.020 44.194 0.000 IPSUCES 0.911 0.020 46.109 0.000 IPFRULE 0.741 0.051 14.649 0.000 IPSTRGV 0.830 0.031 26.376 0.000 IMPRICH 0.749 0.055 13.679 0.000 IMPTRAD 0.981 0.017 59.369 0.000 Intercepts IPSHABT -0.058 0.084 -0.692 0.489 IPSUCES 0.059 0.084 0.693 0.488 IPFRULE -0.046 0.085 -0.534 0.594 IPSTRGV -0.086 0.084 -1.026 0.305 IMPRICH 0.045 0.086 0.528 0.597 IMPTRAD -0.060 0.085 -0.702 0.483 Variances VALEURS 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 Residual Variances IPSHABT 0.210 0.036 5.858 0.000 IPSUCES 0.169 0.036 4.699 0.000 IPFRULE 0.450 0.075 5.998 0.000 IPSTRGV 0.312 0.052 5.970 0.000 IMPRICH 0.439 0.082 5.356 0.000 IMPTRAD 0.037 0.032 1.138 0.255 R-SQUARE Within Level Observed Two-Tailed Variable Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value IPSHABT 0.496 0.018 27.121 0.000 IPSUCES 0.607 0.016 37.425 0.000 IPFRULE 0.212 0.015 14.333 0.000 IPSTRGV 0.309 0.018 16.969 0.000 IMPRICH 0.238 0.012 20.573 0.000 IMPTRAD 0.215 0.015 14.227 0.000 Between Level Observed Two-Tailed Variable Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value IPSHABT 0.790 0.036 22.097 0.000 IPSUCES 0.831 0.036 23.055 0.000 IPFRULE 0.550 0.075 7.325 0.000 IPSTRGV 0.688 0.052 13.188 0.000 IMPRICH 0.561 0.082 6.840 0.000 IMPTRAD 0.963 0.032 29.684 0.000 MODEL MODIFICATION INDICES NOTE: Modification indices for direct effects of observed dependent variables regressed on covariates may not be included. To include these, request MODINDICES (ALL). Minimum M.I. value for printing the modification index 10.000 M.I. E.P.C. Std E.P.C. StdYX E.P.C. Within Level BY Statements SOCIETE BY IPSUCES 74.488 0.267 0.158 0.128 SOCIETE BY IMPRICH 73.094 -0.248 -0.147 -0.117 INDIVIDU BY IPSTRGV 93.923 0.171 0.164 0.154 INDIVIDU BY IMPTRAD 127.832 -0.211 -0.202 -0.157 WITH Statements IPSUCES WITH IPSHABT 73.093 -0.489 -0.489 -0.696 IPSTRGV WITH IPSUCES 99.716 0.099 0.099 0.145 IPSTRGV WITH IPFRULE 127.831 -0.290 -0.290 -0.278 IMPRICH WITH IPSHABT 74.488 0.215 0.215 0.215 IMPTRAD WITH IPFRULE 93.923 0.240 0.240 0.178 IMPTRAD WITH IMPRICH 83.915 -0.118 -0.118 -0.094 Between Level WITH Statements IPSTRGV WITH IPSHABT 12.169 0.030 0.030 0.513 IMPTRAD WITH IPFRULE 13.574 0.034 0.034 1.044 PLOT INFORMATION The following plots are available: Histograms (sample values) Scatterplots (sample values) Between-level histograms (sample values, sample means/variances) Between-level scatterplots (sample values, sample means/variances) DIAGRAM INFORMATION Mplus diagrams are currently not available for multilevel analysis. No diagram output was produced. Beginning Time: 18:39:13 Ending Time: 18:39:14 Elapsed Time: 00:00:01 MUTHEN & MUTHEN 3463 Stoner Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066 Tel: (310) 391-9971 Fax: (310) 391-8971 Web: Support: Copyright (c) 1998-2021 Muthen & Muthen